When I was brain storming on which career to
choose being in Junior college, I decided to take up Actuarial Science. There
were 2 common reasons for this, firstly my love for numbers and secondly it was
among highest paying JOB in most of countries. Yes, I did join actuaries
initially to work in a corporate sector and take away big fat cheques every
month. Things changed when I actually entered the profession.
In those days, I was looking for some more information over
internet but nothing substantial was available. I walked in to official
institute’s office in Mumbai but the guy sitting at reception desk was less
helpful and had only one answer to every question “Pls visit our website, all
information is available there”. This was way back in 2011. The website was way
less informative that time. I realised that there is greater need of this
information being available on internet. I started finding people of similar interest
on social network and got some great information from them. I created a Facebook
group and added them all to be able to socialise better. Today there are more
than 6200 members benefiting from the group.
Link to the group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/actuary.aspirants/
Eventually when I started preparing the course,
being an average student, I struggled a lot to understand the concepts of my
first paper CT1. I was hardly prepared and I couldn’t make it in exam. Then I decided
to reappear for CT1 along with CT3 and CT7. I joined one coaching institute in Mumbai
for CT3 tuitions. I paid INR 12500 in 2011 for one subject. This was huge
amount for me but at the end I was happy as it did help me, to some extent, to
pass CT3 in first attempt. I cleared CT3 and CT7 in this diet but failed CT1
again. I was least bothered about CT1 and I was literally dancing with joy on
clearing other 2 actuarial exam. My journey had just started and now I was sure
I will complete my fellowship and will be getting a very high paying job.
When I started for next exam, I struggled again.
I couldn’t afford to join coaching for another paper and it was getting
difficult. I thought institute would help but there was no support from them
too. With no option left, I had to join coaching again for CT5 by paying INR
15000. I could clear this again in 1st attempt but the cost was
I had started realising there is a huge dearth of
help required to aspiring actuaries. Almost all other profession students get
the required help quite easily but things are not same here. I was reluctant to become a teacher myself but I was determined
to do something for the profession by helping students like me who need help. I
started counselling many students via social networks in similar way as some
other seniors genuinely helped me.

I decided one day to approach one of the
teacher of this new coaching classes for some teaching work (at this time I was
less interested in earning money out of it), I just wanted to give my
profession back something. Coincidentally when I was supposed to approach, they
themselves approached me to teach. They asked me to give a demo lecture to them next
day and then I was hired as assistant faculty for CT1 (I was literally being
paid Rs 350 per student and I was happy with this too). I was just giving
things a try and I seriously was not able to understand where I am heading
Teaching was never my thing, In fact I always had such a huge stage
fear that I literally shivered every time I was asked to give a presentation in
front of class in my school or college. Something unconventional happed. I
could pull of my task well as per feedback received and I literally fell in
love with the work. Stage fear and all the other problems disappeared automatically.
I fell in
love with teaching profession in these 3 months. Helping other achieve their
dreams is a noble job and a true teacher will always see his own success in
success of his students.
But, I had to sadly resign from my work as it was
painful to see my seniors doing business out of dreams of other aspirants. A
teacher can only be a teacher. He/She should not be a business person. Money automatically
flows in when you start teaching just to teach. This will never be affected by
recession, competition etc. Coaching classes who do business in teaching will
always cry hard when competition in this “Business” increases. If teacher will
teach only to teach, he will be hardly affected by competition as students know
well whom to go for tuition even though there are choices available.
After leaving this classes I started tutoring on
my own. I again enjoyed teaching for next 6 months. I dint make money out of
it, I just managed to pay my rent of classroom. Now I was a graduate and
started looking for a job, I was not yet sure of being a teacher but there was
somewhere in my mind a question popping up again and again, why not become a
teacher if you love it? But I thought maybe I will love corporate office too.
I found one actuarial job within a week of
searching. I thought this was end of my teaching and I will just always cherish
this phase of my life that I really enjoyed. But things went other way. I was
going mad sitting in office in front of my laptop all the day and started
missing my classrooms, I took a decision which dint really go down well with my
parents and peers. The decision was to QUIT THE JOB and PURSUE TEACHING as a
profession. Well-wisher thought I am making a great fool of myself. Some were
craving for a fresher job and I was dying to quit the one I already had. But I
was determined. I know I am doing unusual but I was sure, If I help aspiring
actuaries in genuine way, I will definitely earn my bread and butter well plus I
will do something I really enjoy.
I did what I thought of doing without listening
to others.I am just 24 right now. I started my own coaching classes in 2014 itself again. Actuarial
blogs and everything happened in the meantime to be able to help well. Intention was and is still only to help
students pursue their dream and it really makes me happy. I really get
energised after giving good lectures. I enjoy company of so many young students
who have got similar dreams. I see myself in them and help them as if I am
helping myself. The Journey will go on for long time…
I hope institute will also recognise some genuine
teacher’s efforts into actuarial academics in India and someday work cordially to
make things better for students…
I haven't named any coaching classes in which I used to work or learn. I do not wish to offend anyone. Everyone has its own ideology to follow. Do contact me incase any offence is being made to anyone unintentionally.
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